



In December 1915, Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself emperor and changed his country's name to "Hong Xian". During Yuan Shikai's 83-day emperor's short career, Jingdezhen fired a batch of imperial porcelain non-stop, which was later collectively referred to as "Hongxian Porcelain". At the beginning of 1916, Yuan Shikai appointed General Secretary Guo Baochang (Zi Shiwu) to supervise the burning of Hongxian imperial porcelain in Jiangxi. For this batch of porcelain, he spent 1.4 million oceans, equivalent to about one million taels of silver. According to Guo Baochang's grandson, Mr. Ma Chang, there were about 40,000 pieces of this batch of porcelain, and there are records that only 6,000 pieces. Regardless of 40,000 pieces or 6,000 pieces, the cost allocated to each piece of porcelain is very high. According to Qing history archives, during the Qianlong period, the Jingdezhen imperial kiln had to hand in 40,000 to 50,000 pieces of porcelain each year, while the imperial court paid only 30,000 taels of silver a year. Hongxian porcelain is so exquisite without regard to cost, of course it is extremely exquisite. In this sense, it can also be regarded as an official kiln porcelain of the Republic of China.

郭葆昌赴江西后,最先为袁世凯督烧 “居仁堂”款的瓷器。同时,他还为北洋军阀徐世昌(署“静远堂制”款)和曹锟(署“延庆楼制”款)各烧制了一批瓷器。主要有陈设瓶,杯、盘、碗等日用瓷以及成套的餐具。胎质细白而轻巧,釉面洁白润泽,器型精致玲珑,少有大件。这几批瓷器是同时烧造的,但因为用途不同,风格虽然类似,也不完全一致。

After Guo Baochang went to Jiangxi, he was the first to supervise Yuan Shikai to burn "Jurentang" porcelain. At the same time, he also fired a batch of porcelain for the Beiyang warlords Xu Shichang (under the "Jingyuantang system") and Cao Kun (under the "Yanqing Tower system"). Mainly display bottles, cups, plates, bowls and other daily-use porcelain, as well as a set of tableware. The fetus is fine white and light, the glazed surface is white and moist, the shape is exquisite and exquisite, and there are few large pieces. These batches of porcelain were fired at the same time, but because of their different uses, although the styles are similar, they are not exactly the same.


Hongxian porcelain is so exquisite and exquisite, it is the highest level of porcelain firing during the Republic of China. The "Hongxian" emperor was fleeting, and Hongxian porcelain was extremely rare, and it also had the legendary color that Yuan Shikai gave it. Such a beautiful, fragile, rare and mysterious thing, which not only has artistic appreciation value, but also satisfies people's curiosity psychology, naturally arouses people's attention. Until now, some sources believe that the porcelains of the "Hong Xiannian" and "Hong Xiannian Imperial" models were fired before Yuan Shikai's fall and belonged to the real Hong Xian imperial porcelain. It is only Guo Baochang who is alert and vigilant, and he will not admit the shameless matter of restoring and firing the "founding porcelain" for Yuan Shikai. In fact, no matter how elaborate the imitations are, it is impossible to do so at all costs and regardless of the cost like the genuine ones. The Palace Museum has a collection of tableware signed "Jurentang", including 13 types of large, medium and small plates, basins, bowls, plates, wine glasses, cups, and spoons. There are only which is not complete. . It is said that a total of three sets were fired at that time, except for Yuan Shikai's own use, the rest were given to friends. volume_upcontent_copyshare


Yuan Shikai fired Hongxian porcelain for use in the ceremony of enthronement. Porcelain has become a status symbol here-to be an emperor, you must have your own imperial porcelain. The real Hong Xianci is as short-lived as Hong Xianchao. No matter the "Jurentang system" or the "Hongxian imperial system" or "Hongxiannian system", they have now become an indispensable part of Hong Xianci. This Hong Xiannian red ground gold color amphibian has a full-bodied shape and exquisite craftsmanship. The glaze is exquisite and clean, with bright red ground patterns, which gives people a sense of beauty. The brushwork is lively and smooth, the lines and flowers are rigorously laid out, the primary and secondary are appropriate, the levels are clear, the drawing is meticulous, the charm is smooth, the red glaze hair color is gorgeous, and it has a unique art Effect, has extremely high collection investment value and historical research value.

责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华
