


迈阿密的魅力不仅仅在于闻名世界的海滩浴场,更有温伍德墙(Wynwood Walls)的涂鸦艺术。在我曾经的印象中,涂鸦仅仅是纽约地铁的专用名词。来到温伍德亲眼目睹之后,我才认识到,从艺术区的另类涂鸦到街道两旁的涂鸦建筑,温伍德是一个让你重新认识艺术的地方。

The charm of Miami lies not only in the world-famous beach baths but also in the graffiti art of Wynwood Walls. In my previous impression, graffiti is just a special term for the New York subway. After I came to Wynwood and witnessed it with my own eyes, I realized that from unique graffiti in the art space to the graffiti buildings on both sides of the street, Wynwood is a place for you to re-understand art.

2019年秋天,我们从迈阿密的南海滩,驱车仅仅十几分钟,便来到温伍德墙(Wynwood Walls)所在地。这里在一位地产商和一群涂鸦艺术家的突发奇想下,在短短十几年内,由曾经的破旧仓库区变成了涂鸦艺术区。超过70家画廊和博物馆,数十家新的餐厅和酒吧,以及数百家公司,创作者和创新者聚集在温伍德(Wynwood)社区,他们在这个充满活力的地方工作生活。来自世界各地的游客,在这里流连忘返,并留下身影,感受街头艺术的气息。在一些特色餐厅里,穿着浓郁民族风格服装的游客,搭配五颜六色的涂鸦壁画环境,让人享受视觉盛宴。

In the fall of 2019, we arrived at the Wynwood Walls, which is just a few minutes of drive from the south coast of Miami. Under the whim of a real estate agent and a group of graffiti artists, the old shabby warehouse area has become a graffiti art area in just a few years. More than 70 galleries and museums, dozens of new restaurants and bars, and hundreds of companies, creators, and innovators gather in the Wynwood community, where they work and live in this vibrant place. Tourists from all over the world linger here, leaving behind and feeling the breath of street art. In some specialty restaurants, the tourists who are wearing ethnic costumes matched with the colorful graffiti background, let people enjoy a visual feast.

漫步在温伍德墙(Wynwood Walls)核心区,各类艺术涂鸦扑面而来,令人眼花缭乱,脑洞大开。风格之多,让人们叹为观止。幅面之巨,超出了人们的想象。色彩之鲜艳,吸引着人们的眼球。我们直呼过瘾,大开眼界。和大多数的涂鸦艺术相似,这里的艺术壁画并非永久,而是按时更新的,尤其是外墙部分。每年的12月迈阿密海滩艺术展期间,很多涂鸦艺术家就会受邀前来为之前的作品润色,或是创作新的作品。在现场,我们看到数位艺术家正在精心创作,这里的涂鸦远不是随意挥毫,而是经得起欣赏的艺术精品。这里已经成为街头涂鸦艺术的天堂,墙上有许多世界闻名的涂鸦艺术家的经典作品。园区为这些艺术家专门镌刻名录,作为纪念。

Strolling in the core area of Wynwood Walls, all kinds of artistic graffiti rushed towards you, dazzling and mind-blowing. There are so many styles that make people amazed. The huge format is beyond people's imagination and the bright colors attract people's attention, which we were so addicted to. Similar to most graffiti art, the art murals here are not permanent, but updated regularly, especially the exterior wall. During the Miami Beach Art Exhibition in December every year, many graffiti artists will be invited to polish their previous works or create new ones. At the scene, we saw that many artists are creating meticulously. The graffiti here is far from casual swaying, but artworks that can withstand appreciation. It has become a paradise for street graffiti art, and there are many classic works by world-famous graffiti artists on the walls. The park specially engraved catalogs for these artists as a souvenir.


The core area of Wynwood is not big, it only took us about an hour to stroll, but graffiti art has brought us new artistic concepts and profound artistic feelings. These graffiti arts attract tourists and those who love art to observe, explore, and discover the infinite charm of Miami.

责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华
