


万历(1573年-1620年七月),是明神宗朱翊钧的年号,明朝使用此年号共48年,为明朝所使用时间最长的年号。 明神宗在位前十年,由于年幼,由母亲李太后代为听政,太后则将一切军政大事交由张居正主持裁决,实行了一条鞭法等一系列改革措施,社会经济持续发展,对外军事也接连获胜,朝廷呈现中兴气象,史称万历中兴。

Wanli (July 1573-1620) was the reign title of Ming Shenzong Zhu Yijun. This reign was used in the Ming Dynasty for a total of 48 years, making it the longest reign used in the Ming Dynasty. Ten years before the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty, due to her young age, her mother, the Queen Mother Li, took the place of the government. The Queen Mother handed over all major military and political affairs to Zhang Juzheng to preside over a ruling. After successive wins, the imperial court showed a ZTE atmosphere, which was known as Wanli ZTE in history.


Multicolored porcelain is a famous product among the colored porcelain of the Ming Dynasty. It began in the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty and developed greatly during the Jiajing and Wanli periods. Blue and white multicolored, it uses the blue of the underglaze blue and white and the red, yellow, green, purple and other low-temperature firing on the glaze to depict the patterns on the utensils. This painting method is different from the bucket color. The blue and white in the Doucai is used to outline the outline of the ornamentation, and the blue and white in the blue and white multicolored plays the role of pattern positioning. That is, a few key patterns are drawn with blue and white, and the other spaces are filled with low-temperature colorful colors. The blue and white multicolored pictures are more intense and enthusiastic than Dou Cai. The official kiln multicolored wares fired during the Xuande, Jiajing, and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty were mostly blue and white.

龙是中国古代传说中的神异动物。龙是汉族最具代表性的传统文化之一 ,亚洲其他国家和民族亦有受中华龙文化影响。传说多为其能显能隐,能细能巨,能短能长。春分登天,秋分潜渊,呼风唤雨,而这些已经是晚期发展而来的龙的形象,相比最初的龙而言更加复杂。 《张果星经》云:“又有辅翼,则为真龙”,认为有翼方是真龙。 如西周有大量身负羽翼龙纹器皿,乃至青龙在先秦纹饰中也有羽翼,一说应龙、青龙为祖龙。 封建时代,龙是皇权的象征,皇室使用器物也以龙为装饰,但与广为流传的“金龙为天子象征”之说不同,古籍中记载五爪飞龙,方为天子之像。

The dragon is a mysterious animal in ancient Chinese legends. The dragon is one of the most representative traditional cultures of the Han nationality, and other Asian countries and nations are also influenced by the Chinese dragon culture. Legends are mostly for its ability to show and hide, to be small and large, and to be short and long. The vernal equinox rises to the sky, the autumnal equinox dives into the abyss, and the wind calls for rain. These are the images of dragons that have developed in the late stage, and are more complicated than the original dragons. "Zhang Guo Xing Jing" says: "If there are auxiliary wings, then it is a real dragon." It is believed that the winged side is a real dragon. For example, in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were a large number of utensils with pterosaur patterns, and even Qinglong also had wings in the pre-Qin patterns. It is said that Yinglong and Qinglong are ancestral dragons. In the feudal era, the dragon was a symbol of imperial power, and the utensils used by the royal family were also decorated with dragons. However, unlike the widely circulated "golden dragon as a symbol of the emperor", ancient books record a five-clawed flying dragon, which is the image of the emperor.


This "Vase with Multicolored Dragon Patterns Made in Wanli Year", its colorful dragon patterns are vivid, like a real dragon, the glaze is even and clean, the color is calm and dense, and the ancestors called it the colorful dragon pattern. The bottle has a round mouth and a circle of feet, which symbolizes the place where the sky is round and the royal majesty. The whole body is painted with colorful colors, the glaze color nourishes the bright hall, and it is warm and moist into the jade, which is bright and elegant. The outer wall of the bottle mouth is decorated with multicolored dragon patterns, all five claws are stretched, the beard is glaring, the look is majestic, the glaze is even and shiny, the glaze is deep and gorgeous, the decoration is exquisite and exquisite, and the dragon looks majestic, which demonstrates the royal majesty and has high cultural value. Research value, and collection investment value.

责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华
