



The shape is simple and naive. Enamel smooth sub - smooth, open fish fin. There are three sesame-shaped nail marks on the bottom of the foot, two of which are close to the foot wall. The broken section of the nail marks is white. The sesame-shaped nail marks close to the foot wall are one of the features of your kiln." Kun "regular script cut money residual.

汝窑窑址位于河南省宝丰县。宝丰宋代隶属汝州,故简称汝窑,又因其是烧宫廷用瓷的窑场,故也称 "汝官窑"。其烧造时间不长,仅从宋哲宗到宋徽宗烧造了20年。汝窑瓷器胎均为灰白色,深浅有别,与燃烧后的香灰相似,故俗称"香灰胎",这是鉴定汝窑瓷器的要点之一。

Ru Kiln site is located in Baofeng County, Henan Province. In the Song Dynasty, Baofeng belonged to Ruzhou, so it was called "Ru Kiln" for short. It was also called "Ru kiln" because it was a kiln for firing porcelain for the imperial court. It didn't take long to build, only 20 years from The Song Zegong to the Song Huizong. Ru kiln porcelain fetus are gray white, the depth is different, and after burning incense ash similar, so commonly known as "incense ash fetus", this is one of the key points of the identification of Ru kiln porcelain.


This flared mouth is extended, neck is adducted, shoulder is folded and belly is bulging, high flared foot. The glaze is solemn and elegant, with agate into the glaze, sky blue color, pure color, moist glaze, smooth quality, feel like jade; Thick glaze, such as heap fat; It is quiet and elegant, its color and luster moisten pure as baoguang overflow, there are microscopic pores, microscopic erosion holes and old spots; The glaze layer is as dense as a dense cyan haze, deep and moist. Round foot, flat bottom, full glaze and covered foot, with three round pins at the bottom; Dignified, neat, atmospheric, out halberd, for the spring and Autumn bronze vessels out halberd zun shape, so called out halberd Zun. The collection is ru kiln artifacts, a halberd is a typical royal artifacts of the Northern Song Dynasty; Collection for the Song Dynasty Ru kiln out halberd zun, is after thousands of years of hoard artifacts.


The bronze ware is dignified, neat, dignified and dignified. Respected as agate glaze, azure, pure color, moist glaze, smooth quality, feel like jade; Thick glaze, such as heap fat, no grain; It is quiet and elegant, its color and luster moisten pure as baoguang overflow, there are microscopic pores, microscopic erosion holes and old spots; The glaze layer is as dense as a dense cyan haze, deep and moist. Incense ashes tire; Round foot, flat bottom, full glaze and foot binding, the bottom has five round nail, the nail color white; It is dignified, neat and dignified. Out halberd, for the Spring and Autumn bronze vessels out halberd zun shape, so called out halberd Zun. The overall surface of the halberd is soil-oozing, and some soil-Oozing is extremely hard combined with enamel. Therefore, the halberd has a clear and simple smell of earth. The overall package pulp of ji Zun is obvious, which has obvious characteristics of Ru kiln in northern Song Dynasty.


The basic tone of ru kiln porcelain glaze is a light sky blue, commonly known as "duck eggshell blue", the glaze layer is not thick, with the transformation of the shape, showing the gradation changes of shade and depth. Glaze open crack piece, is strewn at random have the very fine grain piece that send, transparent colorless be like ice to crack, commonly known as "crab claw grain". There are two types of "Fenghua" and "CAI" engraved on the bottom of Ru kiln porcelain, which should be engraved after the song Dynasty, which are related to the Song court and the royal family. You kiln porcelain to win with glaze color, rare decorative patterns, but you kiln before the burning of porcelain, there were carved flowers and printed products, such as baofeng You kiln site has been excavated engraved goose neck bottle, should be for you kiln before the official products.

责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华
