

Image 2020-08-15


Under a needle, there are also beautiful rivers and mountains.


Embroidery, one of the traditional Chinese folk handicrafts, has a history of two or three thousand years.


An embroidery needle, drawing silk thread. Although stitching and style have their own advantages, they can always add icing on the cake for plain clothes and become the soul of Chinese traditional clothing culture.



Yunnan is a piece of fertile soil in southwest China. Twenty-six ethnic groups have lived here for thousands of years. In the time gap and the flow of time, the Central Plains culture has gradually infiltrated and influenced Yunnan, and unexpectedly evolved into a bright, colorful and fascinating side.


As one of the boudoir skills that Chinese women must learn, embroidery was once an important criterion to evaluate whether women are intelligent or not. They refined their skills, worked hard on stitching and embroidery, and the green lights were tireless, just to present an amazing embroidery meticulously.


In the red land where there are many ethnic minorities, embroidery has become a symbol of faith, beauty and intelligence. Embroidery such as marriage items, home furnishings, family clothes, decorative ornaments, etc., although they have different uses, they have long been integrated into daily life.


The embroidery of each nation has its own unique style and stitching, which integrates the national personality into the cloth and silk between the needle and thread, and becomes the artistic presentation of the inheritance of national customs and national ownership.


Yunnan embroidery uses a large number of decorative patterns such as flower patterns, bird patterns, dragon patterns and animal patterns, blending local animal and plant forms, realistic and abstract techniques, interspersed with stacked embroidery, so the embroidery image is three-dimensional and full.



Yunnan embroidery color is used to dark and warm colors, mainly rich, gorgeous color blocks, composition lively, showing a rough texture, colorful, full of vitality. The worship of the gods of mountains and rivers and the awe of nature and humanities are integrated into a stitch and become a cultural symbol in the region.

彝绣 Yi embroidery


Rich styles and bright colors


When it comes to Yi clothing, the rich and colorful Yi embroidery first comes to mind. The Yi people have created a rich and splendid Yi culture in the long historical process, but Yi embroidery is proud of the Yi family.


The ancestors of the Yi people integrated their perception of life and understanding of beauty into embroidery and displayed them on their clothing, which became the unique cultural symbols and national memories of the Yi family.


The clothing background of the Yi people is black or nearly black in cyan tones, set off with red, yellow and other colors. The skillful hand of the Yi woman embroidered a touch of bright color on the cold background color of the dress.


The subjects are all-inclusive, the techniques are exquisite, and the patterns are varied. Thousands of years of culture, so tied to the fingertips, embroidered on the body, amazing time.

路南挑花 Lunan picking flowers


Complicated and exquisite, ingenious layout


Picking flowers refers to a kind of stitch method of embroidery, also known as "picking weaving" and "cross-stitch embroidery". "Lunan picking flowers" refers to the traditional handicrafts of the Sani people living in Lunan area of Stone Forest Yi Autonomous County, Kunming.


As a kind of embroidery work, flower picking is a highly decorative embroidery process, which uses colored lines on the warp and weft lines of cotton or linen cloth to pick out complicated and exquisite cross patterns.


The satchels, clothes and headscarves decorated with flowers are gorgeous in color, either exquisite or extensive, light or dark, pure or thick, stitching and stitching, full of Sani ingenuity and artistic creativity.


Mountains and rivers features, scenery specialties, and then to flowers, birds, fish and insects, birds and animals, through Sani embroidered Niang's skillful hands, become a well-conceived, ingenious layout of artistic masterpieces.

汉族刺绣 Han embroidery


Eclectic and unique


When it comes to Han embroidery in Kunming, we have to mention the founder of "Zu's Yunnan embroidery"- Zu Yulan.


As a representative of Yunnan embroidery, Zu Yulan once turned to the birthplace of the four famous embroidery, piously learning the essence of various embroidery, and combined with the skills and styles of embroidery of various ethnic groups in Yunnan, created a new school of embroidery in Yunnan-" Zu's Yunnan embroidery ".


One of the biggest features of Zu's Dian embroidery is the perspective of 3D embroidery, giving people a realistic visual experience. This is Zu Yulan based on many years of Yunnan embroidery experience, the integration of the four famous embroidery stitches, embroidered by the thickness of the thread.


No matter the magnificent landscape, or exquisite still life, birds and animals, are all lifelike and breathtaking in the needle and thread of Zu Yulan.


As a "living" art form worn on the body, the embroidery of various ethnic groups in Yunnan shows amazing beauty in the passage of time. As long as you patiently explore, this extraordinary ingenuity full of healing power is enough for you to immerse yourself in it and discover the beauty of the details of your life.


责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华
